What did Elijah pray for?
How many times did Elijah pray before he saw an answer to his prayer?
Should we give up praying if we see no answer to our prayers?
What prayer will God always answer immediately?
How did the Lord Jesus Christ provide a way for our sins to be forgiven?
Why might God not always answer other prayers immediately?
What message did Jezebel send to Elijah?
Where did Elijah run to?
Why did Elijah feel so depressed?
What did Elijah pray for God to do?
Did God give Elijah his request?
How did the angel strengthen Elijah for his journey?
What does this show us about God?
How far did Elijah travel?
What does the name Horeb mean?
Why is this name significant in Elijah's life?
What question did the Lord ask Elijah?
What did Elijah see while he was in the cave?
What was God trying to do by showing Elijah these things?
What came after the whirlwind, the earthquake and the fire?
What question did the Lord ask Elijah?
How was the Lord trying to encourage Elijah?
What work had the Lord for Elijah still to do?
How many people had God reserved in Israel who had not bowed down to Baal?
What do we need to do to get our sins forgiven?